Ive been using motion-x for several years after a guide suggested it to me. Absolutely indispensable for four wheeling and hiking. I find the user interface is just fine once you are comfortable with it and would not want them to dilute it down as many other apps have done. I also use it just for fun to keep track of verticals and just to see where all Ive been during the day while skiing, and to keep track of mileage when jogging or walking the dog. Only weakness has been for boating - nautical maps seem to lack detail. Being able to save my tracks with different color codes and to download tracks from others has been a lifesaver when 4-wheeling out in the desert and mountains of Arizona. Without pre- recorded tracks, it is often nearly impossible to find some of the trails, and your own recorded track sure makes it easier to connect to your route home. Saves a lot of time and is a significant safety factor.